Hello, I am completely aware how late this post is and you can begin your persecution for such lateness now. I completely forgot about it. But, better late than never, right?
Anyway, Nabokov's personality excerpt from Strong Opinions comes off as a bit crass and as if he is trying extremely hard to answer all of his questions without actually answering them. It seems that in fact, yes, his personality as a writer is almost a completely different distinction from his personality as a person. Nabokov as a writer is meticulous with an eye for beautiful prose while Nabokov as a regular human being seems a bit introverted and egotistical. He wished to be perceived as a mystery to an outside world, and this interview catalogued that perfectly. However, his literary values are shown to be so intense as if they were their own religion and so meticulous. Even half of his interview answers were written and, most likely, erased and rewritten several times. What struck me most about this interview– and, also, what made me laugh about it– was Nabokov's complete deterrence to directly answering any questions. He was constantly going on and on, bringing the interviewer in circles. Also, he is constantly trying to define himself as an individual. When asked who his literary idols are, he responds that he doesn't in fact look up to anyone, and again goes on about individuality.
Very strange. But very unique all the while.
It is evident from these readings that Nabokov has a passion for literature that is continuously ignited, and his well worded, beautifully written interview answers are there solely to prove it.
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